هندسة وتطوير وصناعة خزانات الضغط منذ عام 1964
تعتبر LAPESA GRUPO EMPRESARIAL مؤسسة عائلية نشأت عام 1964 كشركة مصنعة لأوعية الضغط بحيث ركزت أعمالها منذ نشأتها على تصنيع وتسويق خزانات غاز البترول المسال وخزانات النقل والغاز الطبيعي المسال وخزانات تخزين ونقل الغازات شديدة البرودة الأخرى وخزانات الوقود السائل بالإضافة إلى خزانات تخزين الماء الساخن (DHW) كمنتجاتها القياسية.
الماء الساخن
الغازات شديدة البرودة
منتجات خاصة وأنواع وقود جديدة
... مع نشاط تجاري في القارات الخمس.

تحظى العلامة التجارية lapesa باعترافٍ دولي كعلامة تجارية عالية الجودة. وبفضل نشاطها التجاري في القارات الخمس، فهي تشارك في العديد من المشاريع في أي بلد في العالم، بشكلٍ مباشر أو بالتعاون مع الشركات متعددة الجنسيات والشركات الهندسية وكبار الموزعين في مجال الطاقة بمعداتهم وأنظمتهم للتخزين والنقل.


Lapesa at the Rotterdam World Hydrogen Summit, 21-22 May 2025
The necessary commitment to the use of renewable energies in Europe has propelled green hydrogen to a fundamental place among the energy vectors of...
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LAPESA at ISH FRANKFURT, from 17th to 21st March 2025
ISH, the largest European event related to the climatization market, will take place in Frankfurt. Once again, after 30 years of...
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LAPESA at HYVOLUTION PARIS 2025, January from 28th to 30th
Green hydrogen is already a reality among the energy sectors dedicated to renewable energies. At Hyvolution Paris 2025 you will find...
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LAPESA at the LPG WEEK 2024, November 20th and 21st
The WLGA is organizing the European LPG Congress in Cape Town this year. The LPG industry will meet this year through the LPG WEEK on the...
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LAPESA at the HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGY EXPO EUROPE 2024, October 23rd and 24th
Green hydrogen is already a reality among the energy sectors dedicated to the use of renewable energies. The Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe,...
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The necessary commitment to the use of renewable energies in Europe has propelled green hydrogen to a fundamental place among the energy vectors...
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LAPESA at the EUROPEAN LIQUID GAS CONGRESS 2024, June from 18th to 20th
The 2024 European Liquid Gas Congress, taking place in Lyon with a new format, promises to be a historic event in the industry. The current...
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Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe 2023
The great drive and clear commitment in Europe for the integration and use of renewable energies, make hydrogen increasingly important as an...
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LPG Week 2023, from November 13 to 17
The World Forum and the European Congress for LPG come together again, this time in the city of Rome during the week of November 13-17, 2023. An...
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9th INTERNATIONAL LNG CONGRESS, from March 6th to 7th, 2023
Düsseldorf is the city that hosts in 2023 the ninth international congress for LNG. Congress that has special relevance, due to the current...
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ISH FRANKFURT 2023, March 13-17, 2023
After the break forced by the pandemic, the largest European event related to the world of air climatization is resumed. The ISH in Frankfurt will...
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MOST H2: European project for the efficient storage of hydrogen
This European project focuses its objective on the development and research on the best possible solutions for the efficient storage of hydrogen.
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Certification ISO 45001
This June, we celebrate having obtained the ISO 45001 certification, as an international standard for Safety and Health Management of our workers...
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Madrid will host this year the EUROPEAN HYDROGEN ENERGY CONFERENCE (EHEC), during the next days of May 18-20th and Lapesa will participate as an...
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During the 29th and 30th of next June, Lapesa will participate as an exhibitor in the new 2020 edition of the European LPG Congress, to be held in...
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LPG TANKS 400 m3
In 2021, large projects are reactivated for LPG storage plants on the African continent, LAPESA's usual market, for the supply of large-capacity...
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New models TSC for domestic use, with “A” energy class ErP
Tanks with internal coil, made of stainless steel AISI 316L, for DHW production and storage. Designed for being placed below a wall-mounted boiler...
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HIGH PERFORMANCE DHW stainless steel tanks
Lapesa presents its new range of high performance storage tanks in AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL AISI 316, which complements its previous and well-known...
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Lapesa: New Catalogues and LPG Price List
We place at your disposal the New Catalogue and Price List of our range of tanks and equipment for the storage and service of liquefied petroleum...
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Lapesa: New Catalogue and DHW Price List
We place at your disposal the New Catalogue and Price List of our range of tanks for "Sanitary Hot Water, Production and Storage".
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Lapesa tanks for H2
New tanks for future fuels...
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The VIII Race of the Companies, by ESIC
Another year being present at the Race of the Companies, 8th edition, by ESIC Business & Marketing School, on December 18th 2022 in Zaragoza
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